The London Borough of Lewisham encourages outdoor learning and is keen to work in partnership with schools to provide classes relevant to the National Curriculum.  We are able to offer facilitated sessions to local schools in Habitat Studies with our Conservation Officer on a number of sites throughout the Borough.

Looking for bugs in Grove Park
Looking for bugs in Grove Park

We try to incorporate themes into the session that will assist with the pupils learning and development in the relevant Key Stages.  If there is an aspect of the curriculum that you would like to feature in to the session or if there is anything that you would wish to add or modify, please let us know and we will try to accommodate you where possible.

Fore more information, please either contact Jess Kyle or if your session will be in a park, please contact Emily Millhouse, Glendale’s nature conservation officer. If you do take a session with us, we would appreciate it if you could fill out the following survey

Please use the links at the bottom of the page to navigate the various resources that we have to offer.

Websites you may find useful

There are a wealth of fantastic websites out there for you to use to teach yourself – and maybe learn a few things too.  Below are just a few that you might fine useful;

Horniman Museum’s Childrens’ pages
Nature Detectives (part of the Woodland Trust)
Naturenet – Not just for children!
OPAL – From the Natural History Museum

Please bear with us while we update these worksheets.